Don Karp, October 3 2022

Camps in Tepoztlán, Part Two: Meztitla

                    Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Entrance to the Boy Scout Camp, Meztitla. Photo by author

Outdoor recreation areas abound in Tepoztlán. This article is about the Boy Scout Camp, Meztitla, which is a major jamboree site in Mexico, hosting both national and international events.

In this series, we covered parks and one other camp. Meztitla differs in that it encompasses 22 hectares (54 acres) of wilderness with access to the Tepozteco National Forest, 233 square kilometers. I've written many blogs on trails in this national park reserve. Check my archives page.


Entrance to the Camp

The first part of this acreage houses administrative buildings, space for campers, and other structures related to the Boy Scout organization.

                                    Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. The entrance to Camp Meztitla. Photo by author

                     Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Further into the Camp  Meztitla entrance. Photo by author

                                Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico.  Going deeper into Camp Meztitla. Photo by author

Function Areas

In this section we'll look at some of the spaces where scouts have their ritual activities: for example, the flagpoles and lodges.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Flagpoles at Camp Meztitla. During international jamborees, flags from many countries are displayed. Photo by author

                                                     Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Lodges at Camp Meztitla.

Video Slideshow

This slide show features other function areas at Camp Meztitla: the fire circle, dedication space, administration, and the lovely surrounding views.


Here are some links where you can learn more about Camp Meztitla and the Boy Scouts in Mexico:

An Opportunity for Readers

Become a member of my team to help me promote my new memoir and ebook. You can receive a free ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) if you agree to read and send a review to Amazon. Here are previews:

Letters From Mexico offers a picture of the people and places of Mexico as seen through the eyes and camera of a retired expat. This sampling of Mexican cities and nature spots will enchant you. You’ll meet many creative people along the way. Sprinkled with lavish images—photos, collages, slideshows, and videos—the author documents his life and travels. If you are considering travel or relocation to Mexico, you’ll find a valuable source of information from the author’s life-changing encounters. Read it and revel in the journey. NOTE: This is a compilation from my blog with the same name.

Mix three parts travel adventure, two parts adjusting to a different culture, with one part personal growth, and add a pinch of reflection: the recipe for Better Living in Mexico. Mexico is an epicurean's delight:

“ . . . the central town open air market was a delight to the five senses! Vendors shouted out their wares . . . fruits and vegetables with the colors of the rainbow . . . a variety of delicious-smelling foods pulled at me with their aromas.”

Mexico? What made the author decide to move there? The subtleties of settling in were challenging. At times his acculturation was humorous:

“. . . I met the cleaning ladies leaving after their day of work. I greeted them with “Buenos días señoritas!” They tittered, and I later learned that “señorita” is for young, unmarried girls.“

You’ll be captivated by his nuanced look at Mexican culture and lifestyle. You will question your lifestyle, your personal relationships, and your creativity. Don Karp’s story inspires you to see your way of life through a different lens.

I am a free-lance self-published author living on a Social Security budget. If you enjoy this blog, you can help me promote these two books.

First, send me an email request to be on my team. OR CONTACT HERE. Then, as per your wish, I will send you PDF files of either or both.

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Written by

Don Karp

Previous Camps in Tepoztlán, Part One: Camohmila
Next Ulli Visits Tepoztlán