Don Karp, February 1 2025

UFOs in Tepoztlán

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Photos of UFOs taken by Carlos Diaz over Tepoztlán. Photos sourced.

Tepoztlán is allegedly the number one city in Mexico for UFO sightings. Mexico is ranked seventh  worldwide. Given its prehistoric mythology, and that it is only thirty-three miles from the active volcano, Popocatépetl, along with the curious mountain shapes left by ancient volcanoes, it is no wonder that this area is of prime interest to beings from outer space. It also has strange electromagnetic phenomena.

I am going to share my personal opinions on reporting for this article. 

"Believing is seeing," as some say. I have never seen a UFO, and perhaps it is because I do not believe in the evidence we have thus far on extraterrestrials. I have seen entities (ghosts) and think that these are beings from other dimensions not normally available to the perceptions of most of us. They are not necessarily from other planets or outer space. My feeling is that "aliens from outer space" are projections coming from our own individual alienation and lack of connection. More and more we seek answers to our human dilemmas, but I think the answers are inside of us, not to be found or searched for on the outside. If and when I encounter aliens, I will deal with them. I am not pursuing them now. Given this, I am open to looking at new evidence. This is part of the reason for writing this article.


The other reason for writing this is how the topic fits in as a part of the general atmosphere of alternatives that attract people to Tepoz. Here is my blog about healers and healing, including alternative medicine. And here is one on sacred plant medicine. My feeling is that these two topics strongly relate to experiences of UFOs. Below is a photo of the very unusual mountain shapes, of a type seen only in a few places in the world. These were formed from secondary lava flows.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Mountains with unique shapes provide a special quality. Photo from author's collection

It has been estimated that half the population of Tepoztlán, 12,000 people, have seen UFOs. Often groups have witnessed the same phenomenon. Some friends of mine have seen patterns of rapidly moving lights in the sky. Others say they saw an extreme illumination of their vicinity.

Related to this are magnetic and gravity anomalies. In 2003, shortly after moving here, at the suggestion of a neighbor, I taped my compass to my desk with the needle pointing to north. In three days, the needle migrated ten degrees towards east; in another three days, back to north. Three days after that, it swung ten degrees to the west and back in another three days to north. This demonstrated the magnetic anomaly. I've not experienced the one for gravity. It could be an optical illusion.

I've heard that NASA listed these, but have not seen this in a search. I have seen the conglomerate rock composition of many of the strange-shaped peaks. They are a combination of volcanic and quartz rock. Quartz is associated with electrical phenomena.

Carlos Diaz

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Carlos Diaz. Photo from here

Carlos was a resident of Tepoztlán, who published photos and videos of alien craft, and claims to have been taken onboard. The message the aliens gave him was the need to preserve the environment and warn others of the dangers we now face.

In January 1981, while doing a photoshoot in a national park near Tepoz, he captured a UFO on film. After many returns to that spot, he was finally rewarded on March 23, and at this time he was taken inside the vehicle. Eventually, he filmed the craft. His work was disputed, but this article explains how that source had no qualifications, while others more qualified said that his work was genuine.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Two photos of Kissing Rocks. Top: with UFO, source here. Bottom: photo by author.

Here is a short video of Diaz and his work:

The work of Diaz was confirmed by a science investigator in this report. In the article, he also discusses the findings of John E. Mack, former head of the psychiatry department at Harvard. Mack came to Tepoztlán to interview Diaz and said: 

We were able to verify that over 50 % of the population of the city of Tepoztlán, in which Diaz lives, about 12.000 people, saw the very same type of object filmed and photographed by Diaz, a fact confirmed by the mayor of Tepoztlán.      


Recently I encountered a Facebook post by David Sanchez Flores, with a video of sightings over Tepoztlán on January 26, 2025. 

Here is an article by a premier journalist, Leigh Thelmadatter, that covers many sightings all over Mexico.

On November 7, 2003, the AP reported on a controversial investigation by the  Mexican Congress of mummies of "non-human beings" found in Peru. These findings were debunked, but revived upon presentation of new evidence

Screen shot of UFO mummy sourced from this video.

The Larger Picture

To take this further, the History website (and on their YouTube channel), has a lot of material on UFOs and extraterrestrials. Here is an article about Tepoztlán.

I spoke with my friend, who is the author of an alternative news site, and he sent me this article. It has links to two long YouTube videos describing the current situation (Dec. 2024) of numerous sightings over New Jersey and other locations in the US. Are the sightings from ETs, enemy drones, or secret US military operations? Due to hundreds of reported sightings, various branches of US military and intelligence did an investigation. Within a few weeks a report came from President Trump's administration that these were from drone hobbyists and special military operations. I wonder why it took weeks to investigate this. This makes me suspicious that they did not reveal all.

My friend reminded me of the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, a particularly scary event near woodland military bases in England. You can read about it here.

Here is a YouTube channel that will keep you up-to-date.

UFOs and ETs are favorite topic of many, given the amount of airplay this topic gets, both in news media, and in fictional material from Hollywood. 

What's your experience? What do you believe?

Just a brief reminder here that we are running a Mexico relocation program for retirees to spend a week or more checking out what it's like to live in an authentic Mexican small city, Tepoztlán. The normal stresses of visiting a foreign culture are eliminated by our daily guidance. Come check us out! Perhaps you will see some UFOs.

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Written by

Don Karp

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