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My Story

Don Karp, August 4 2024

Now onto the story!Growing UpI was born on November 6, 1943, in an army hospital in Biloxi, Mississippi. The hospital was free there because my dad was a soldier. Here's a photo of me with Mom taken in 1945.Here I am a toddler, on the left. The other shows me a little older:I was the oldest of three boys, each spaced five years apart. My...

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Healers and Healing

Don Karp, September 29 2018

This is the story of my experiences living as an ex-pat in Mexico since 2003. It's to culminate in a published book. With your help, I'll be editing, selecting a title, and cover art: a participatory project. Your comments encouraged! Health clinic in Centro of Tepoztlan, Mexico. This is a mainstream medical facility. A large hospital and many...

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