Don Karp, May 6 2024

Juanito's Restaurante in Tepoztlán

The main commercial activity in Tepoztlán is tourism. Since Tepoztlán is only an hour from Mexico City and half an hour from Cuernavaca, many Mexicans come for weekend day trips. They like to shop, hike, and, of course have drinks and good food. Juanito's Restaurant has an eclectic menu, the food is well prepared, and the garden, through a hallway a ways from the bustle of the main street, provides a colorful, yet quiet repose.


Different signs, both on the street and down the hallway, entice the palate to come in and sample the variety of dishes offered.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Attractive signs tempt those walking by on the main street to enter. Photo by author

Below is a photo of the long hall where one enters the garden restaurant, a good distance from the noise of the main street. Waiters greet us.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. The long entry hall to Juanito's Restaurant with waiters and its end. Photo by author


Notice the lush garden seating area. There is a smaller indoor area adjacent to the kitchen and bathrooms.  Together there are over a dozen tables with four chairs for each, providing a lot of seating for such a seemingly small and intimate space.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. The main garden dining area of Juanito's Restaurant. Photo by author

The Food

My favorite on the menu is called the "Monster Burger." There are eleven types of burgers, one is vegetarian. The "Monster" has, along with its large hamburger: bacon, three cheeses, lettuce, onion, chilis, tomato, mayonnaise, and a delicious BBQ sauce.

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. The "Monster Burger" at Juanito's Restaurant. Photo by author

The artwork of the menu, the signs shown above, and the garden, were all created by the co-owner of Juanito's Restaurant, Claudia. We'll meet her in the interview below.


Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Menu front and back covers for Juanito's Restaurant. Photo by author

Here is a rough idea of what's on the menu at Juanito's Restaurant:

Antojitos( snacks): salads, sandwiches, baguette. Pastas, Specialties and Chinese: chow mein, teríyakí, sweet Thai chili, pollo (chicken) hoison. And the aforementioned eleven types of burgers. Drinks include: fruit water, juice, sodas, coffee, tea, beer, wine, and shots. Desserts are listed in the image below:

Tepoztlán, Morelos, Mexico. Desserts posted at Juanito's Restaurant. Photo by author


Let's meet the couple, Tim and Claudia, who founded and run Juanito's Restaurant:

Are you getting hungry by now after reading this?

To learn more about Juanito's Restaurant, here is their Facebook page. Go visit them and enjoy their lovely garden and food. Tell them I sent you.

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Written by

Don Karp


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