Don Karp, September 1 2024

Casa Café Arte

Casa Arte Café: The lounge/bar

Casa Café Arte grew out of Café Arte. Café Arte was featured previously.   I introduced my friend Ed to Café Arte. He and Mike (the coffee maestro at Café Arte) hit it off and started this new business: Casa Café Arte. Since I introduced them before they started this venture, I am excited to see it open. 

Casa Café Arte is a multi-purpose two-story building, a few blocks from Tepoztlán Centro. It's a high- end short-term rental, an art exhibition space, and a bar/lounge. The latter features gourmet coffees of many varieties. Also there are teas, pastries to die for, and beer, wine, and cocktails, plus mocktails. 

It's hard to say what the future will bring. The co-owners are very community-minded and plan to feature live music, host workshops, and more.  

As Ed said when I interviewed him (see below): "Because Tepoztlán is a pueblo of musicians, painters, and poets, our mission is to promote the city as art-oriented."

Here is a slideshow introducing you to the artwork at Casa Café Arte:

The first painting in the slideshow is by Alejandro Aguirre. Here is a blog featuring him. The rest of the paintings are by Cornelius Bantin. Both are local artists.

Let's take a deeper look at the features of Casa Café Arte.


Casa Café Arte is on Calle Cuahtemotzin #4. From the Zocalo (town plaza), one travels on Cinco de Mayo headed out of town towards the gas station. Take the third right, and the Casa is the fifth door on the right. You'll see the friendly sign, in the above photo, out on the street.

Here's a map, with the Casa at the bottom, but note that the street that the Casa is on,  and Cinco de Mayo are not labeled.

The short driveway includes minimal parking. This ends at a patio, where there is a separate entrance for one of the luxurious suites. I call this side the wing.

First Floor 

Pictured above is the suite in the first-floor wing.

The first floor has two other rooms for rent in the main wing. It has a central stove, and many smaller paintings and crafted items. Just outside is a public bathroom and a garden area. The least expensive room does not have its own bathroom. Guests in this one use the public bathroom.

This second room is to the right of the previous one as you enter the first floor.

Second Floor

The bar/lounge is on the second floor, as well as a deck, and master suite.

The photo opening this blog features the bar. There are also very comfortable couches with coffee table photo books to peruse over a fine cup of java or spirits.

Here is what the deck looks like with some nice views from there:

The master suite is on the second floor of the wing.

An interview of Mike the barista is about Café Arte, before Casa Café Arte was formed. Scroll near the bottom of that page for the interview.

For a more recent interview with Ed, Mike's partner at Casa Café Arte, click here .

If you can, visit Casa Café Arte. Here is their Facebook page. They are listed in Google. You can learn more about them at different travel sites and book a room through Air BnB or

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Written by

Don Karp


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